Do you know your obligations as a foreigner in the Czech Republic?

We’ve put together a clear and simple guide help you understand what you need to take care of.

One of the most important obligations related to housing is registering for waste collection payments with your local municipality.
Paying for waste collection through us does NOT mean you’ve fulfilled this obligation. In fact, if you're paying us, it likely means you haven’t registered with your municipality yet.

What do you need to do?
If you provide us with confirmation that you’re paying for waste collection directly to your municipality, you will no longer need to pay us. Just let us know and send us the confirmation from the office.

Why is this important?
Municipalities conduct regular inspections, and unregistered foreigners can be fined retroactively. To avoid any issues, we highly recommend taking care of this obligation as soon as possible.

How can you do it?
Check out our step-by-step guide to complete your registration easily.

Welcoming a new member to the household?

During the course of your tenancy, your household may grow with a new member, human or animal. Whether a new partner, a baby or just a furry pet, share this happy news with us - it will prevent any future problems with our contract.


When a baby is born or a new partner/housemate moves in, it is necessary to reconfigure utility deposits that are tied to a specific number of household members. It is also our responsibility to report the new member to the HOA if you live in a condominium. And if another bunch of keys is needed, our customer service will handle everything. At the beginning of the tenancy, you will normally receive 1-2 copies of keys from us (depending on the original number of tenants), but you will need to have additional bundles made, which requires a special card or a request from the HOA for a new chip. We will be happy to handle all these matters for you.


And what if I want to change the lock cylinder?


We understand that someone prefers to have their own lock cylinder in a rented apartment, where they can be sure that no one else has the keys to their apartment. For our properties, which almost always have a special entry key, chip or other security access, we carefully check who we have issued keys to and how many copies.


However, if you still feel better after replacing the lock insert, you must let us know of your decision - we must replace the door insert and, as the property manager, you must keep one copy of the keys. This is a safety precaution in the event of accidents and other critical situations, as the cost of having the door kicked in as a precautionary measure by the fire service while you are away can be a significant expense. We also need to take away the original insert, which we will fit back in once you move out of the flat.


The replacement of the lock liner is at your expense and does not count towards the cost of repairs and alterations to the flat according to Government Regulation No. 308/2015 Coll.


Dog and cat are a special case. First, find out if your landlord allows pets. Because of potential allergens, some landlords do not want dogs or cats in their apartments for long periods of time. We can tell you this information on our customer service line.


We personally have a positive attitude towards animals. We ourselves have offices open to all dogs, but we have rules for them as well as for the animals in our properties. If you have a dog or cat, or for example a larger parrot or other animal that will be running loose in the apartment, you must report this to us. With pets come a greater risk of damage to the apartment, and we will probably want to increase the refundable deposit/surety.


At the same time, think about how often your pet will be home alone. Your dog barking all day may not be a pleasant distraction for the neighbours.


Procedure for reporting a new household member:


Send the following to


1. Name of the new roommate

2.2. the date of birth

3. ID card number (passport for foreigners)

4.The date on which he/she is moving in with you

5.Contact details (e-mail, telephone)


For an animal:


1. Dog/cat/...

2. Breed

3. Size

4. Preferred form of payment of the deposit/surety deposit

Do you change your last name, permanent address, email or phone number?

A sublease is a contractual relationship like any other. We need to keep up-to-date information about you so that we can contact you or amend any details in our joint documentation.


If you change any contact details, or perhaps your name or address, please let us know about the change by email:

Travelling abroad?

In the Sublease we ask you to notify us of your absence from the house or flat if it will be for more than two months. This is not because we begrudge you such a long holiday, but so that we know what to do in the event of any emergency. You will either nominate a contact person who will provide access or we will arrange that we can enter the home in certain circumstances during your absence.


However, chance is stupid and, for example, a property flooding or an accident in a residential building can happen at any time. That's why we'll be glad to hear from you even on shorter trips where you won't be available.



What will we need?


1. Carefully secure the apartment against unwelcome visitors

2. Turn off the water

3. Let us know when you are unlikely to be contacted.

4. Notify us of a contact person with spare keys who we can contact in case of emergency (


If you do not have anyone available with keys to your apartment, just let us know that we can enter the apartment and prevent any further damage with prior notice.