Locked keys, a household accident and insurance...

Locked keys
Yes, it can happen to any of us. And yes, the insurance you have with us also covers these cases. How do you go about getting to your apartment as quickly as possible?
A. Call directly the insurance company's 24-hour helpline +420 222 803 442.
The insurance company sends its own contracted company, which will directly reimburse the assistance.
B. Call any SOS service that will assist you and pay for the intervention on the spot against the receipt. Proof of payment is important so that you can be reimbursed by the insurance company.
Then call +420 222 803 442 or use the form on the CSOB website to report the claim.
- What will the insurance company need? (odkaz na daný odstavec)
Crash at the apartment
Did your washing machine hose burst and flood the neighbours? Do you need technical help that won't wait? Here's what to do:
1. Call for assistance
A. Call directly the insurance company's 24-hour helpline +420 222 803 442.
The insurance company sends its own contracted company, which will directly reimburse the assistance.
B. Call any SOS service that will assist you and pay for the intervention on the spot against the receipt. Proof of payment is important so that you can be reimbursed by the insurance company.
Then call +420 222 803 442 or use the form on the CSOB website to report the claim.
2. Photograph everything
3. Write down the dates, when and what happened
4. We will ask you to provide proof that the repair was made (before and after photo + proof of payment or repair)
5.The insurance company will find out from us whether it is your property or ours (the owner's)
6.We send the insurance company the owner's consent to pay the insurance claim
7.The insurance company reimburses the repair directly to you
If everything is in order and the insurance company has everything it needs documented, the whole process of paying the insurance claim takes a few days after the last document is reported or documented.
If you are compensated after reporting an insurance claim, these costs cannot be counted as costs in your budget for alterations and repairs to the property in accordance with Government Decree 308/2015 Coll.
Important links:
- The scope of insurance can be found here. (Náhled a možnost stažení dokumentu ČSOB)
- Detailed information about home insurance can be found here and liability insurance here.
If you are not sure whether to report the claim as liability or household, call the ČSOB assistance service directly and they will advise you on how to report it.
- What will the insurance company need? (odkaz na daný odstavec)
If you need assistance, please call +420 222 803 442, the information line +420 466 100 777 or use the online form on the website:
Has there been an accident and damage to the property's equipment?
An accident can happen to anyone. Whether it's a broken hob, a scratched kitchen worktop or a gouge in the floor, there's always a solution. Don't be afraid to let us know and we'll be happy to advise you on how to proceed.
Your costs for repairs to equipment and property damage are limited by law to a maximum amount. In addition, you have insurance with us which may cover some accident-related expenses. You just need to report them as an insured event, (odkaz na odstavec na nahlášení PU) thus keeping your home in great condition at all times.
Your liability insurance also covers damage to the homeowner's equipment. So you can report it as a liability claim.
- What will the insurance company need? (odkaz na daný odstavec)
Routine apartment maintenance – What is it and how does it work?
You have a legal duty to look after your home. In the Czech Republic, this law defines the obligations of tenants very precisely – up to a maximum of CZK 100 per 1 m2 of flat size per year.
Let us explain with an example:
For example, your new home is 56 m2 in size. Your obligation then corresponds to:
56 × 100 CZK = 5 600 CZK/ year
The cost of repairs and maintenance (known as routine property maintenance) of your home can therefore amount to a maximum of CZK 5,600 per year, and you are obliged to spend this amount on repairs if they are necessary. The landlord does not have to reimburse you for costs up to this amount, anything over this limit goes directly to the landlord (i.e. to us in the first instance).
It is therefore important that we know about everything that is happening in the flat. If you are having something repaired because something was damaged, something didn't work, something needed to be bought, report it to us. Also send us a receipt or invoice that shows that the repair was done in that particular apartment. Before and after photos are also very helpful, which we can keep for future reference, for example when you move house.
We keep a record of all the costs you incur and keep track of them, so that we can keep to the legal limit and, if necessary, discuss with the landlord in advance when further repairs will be carried out at their expense.
There is no such thing as an "Accident" as "Routine Housing Maintenance" – and a distinction needs to be made.
The law specifies very precisely what all and under what conditions belongs to the routine maintenance of the property - and therefore counts towards the statutory financial limit on your costs.
For example:
1. The kettle's hob stops working -> routine maintenance with a limit on repairs
2. the kettle falls on the ground and the boiler stops working -> accident with the possibility of reporting to the insurance company (there is no repair price limit)
What all is included in this property care and what do you have insured?
Check out the detailed description of everything,
what you are and are not obligated to pay
Download and in ENG (odkaz na stažení 308)
or the extent of your property insurance (odkaz ke stažení ČSOB).
What is the correct repair procedure?
1. An accident happens or something stops working
2. You report to us what happened and send us photos directly by email servis@vasdomaci.cz
3. We will offer you our help with the repair and you will decide whether to use our services or look for your own craftsman. For an idea, you can take a look at our price list for work, which can be found at the very bottom of the download page.
4. We will also advise you whether the damage is reportable as an insurance claim. You will provide the necessary documentation for the insurance company.
5. There will be a repair from our side or your side.
6. Send us photos of the repaired damage and a receipt or invoice if you repaired the damage yourself.
7. We will wait for the insurance company's statement and confirm payment of the insurance premium, which would go directly to you, or
8. We will include your costs in the annual limit for routine maintenance of the property if the insurance company has not accepted the damage.
It may happen that you find a problem in the apartment within the first three days of living there. In this protection period of new tenants, the repair costs always go behind us. Explore why we give you a protection period for reporting defects on the flat. (Odkaz na stránku: Jak bude probíhat převzetí nemovitosti?)
How to report an insurance claim
You are currently covered for these risks to the extent of:
Household insurance annual limit of benefit
350 000 CZK
Liability insurance annual limit of performance
10 000 000 CZK
Assistance services annual limit of performance
max 70 000 CZK
What can be reported as an insurance claim?
Typically in our apartments we deal with incidents such as neighbors flooding (broken washing machine hose), broken glass ceramic hob, scratched kitchen countertop, burnt floor and more. You can see what all you have insured with us in the summary list of all your insurance information. (odkaz ke stažení ČSOB).
We recommend that you use your insurance to the fullest. Once a year, go through the whole apartment and if you find anything that could be repaired and possibly reported as an insurance claim, do it. We'll be happy to help you with this. This will avoid inconvenience and stress at the end of the tenancy when you have to return the property to us in its original condition.
What will you need to report an accident/insured event?
Everything you need will be communicated with you directly by the insurance company. The documents may vary for different claims.
However, when reporting, ALWAYS state:
- the address of the apartment (your current residence)
- the policy number, which is 8081059310
- identification data of the insured – the contract is registered to VITOM a.s., ID number 04426169
So how to proceed? In general, everything as soon as possible:
1. Photograph everything
2. Write down the dates, when and what happened
3.Call +420 222 803 442 to find out what else they require
Use the online forms on the Home Insurance website
orUse the online form on the Liability Insurance website
4. If there is damage to the home or its furnishings, we will ask you to provide evidence that repairs have been made (this does not apply to you if it is your furnishings)
5.The insurance company will find out from us whether it is your property or ours (the owner's)
6.We send the Owner's Consent to pay the claim
7.The insurance company reimburses the repair directly to you
If you are compensated after reporting an insurance claim, these costs cannot be counted as costs in your budget for alterations and repairs to the property in accordance with Government Decree 308/2015 Coll.
As with an accident, if everything is in order and the insurance company has everything it needs to document, the whole process of paying the claim takes a few days from the time the last document is reported or documented.